Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First time club president of the Anime Club, Alex Guerrera, is learning to deal with the ups and downs of running a club on campus

Early on in the semester, Guerrera, has already dealt with having to cancel two club meetings. As a result of paperwork mix-up between the clubs officers and the University’s Student Life and Development staff.

“It was a fiasco,” says Guerrera, who was forced to cancel the meetings at the very last minute.

Every year members of each club organization have to submit important paperwork to the SLD office.  The documents include information on when and where the club would like to meet. If this is not done correctly and on time they run the risk of having the room taken by another club or just simply not booked at all.

There were also some major miscommunication problems between Guerrera and some of the club officers.  Specifically with those who were in charge of making sure all paperwork had been completed and submitted on time.

He added, “It’s a learning experience, I even thought about writing a book in the future, on what officers should or should not do. I never want it to happen again!”

Fortunately the club was able to submit the needed documents to be able to meet in one other room and the club meetings have continued as usual. But it is enough for Guerrera to revise the way that club officers communicate with one another.

If anyone is interested in joining visit http://animeclub.wycre.com/AC/portal.php for more information.

The Anime Club is available to all students who enjoy Japanese Animation and are interested in finding a social network with those who also have this in common or are simply just curious.

Guerrera has been a part of the club since his freshman year in 2008. First as an attendee and later after becoming very familiar with the clubs' officers, was elected the club’s president for the fall of 2010.

“If someone enjoys Japanese animation or even just the video game subculture this is the place to be!”-Alex Guerrera, President of Club Anime at CSULB. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Monson Maniacs will now be just Maniacs

Originally known as Monson Maniacs, the Long Beach State basketball’s student spirit section will officially drop basketball coach Dan Monson’s last name, in an effort to support the entire athletic department.

They hope that by doing this they will encourage students to attend other sport games throughout the year. Their new T-shirt will have a new design that displays Maniacs only.

As opposed to last year’s, “We make your life a Beach!” T-shirt that displayed, Monson Maniacs, in the front.

The name change will, “help students represent and support all other sports and it will also allow students to wear the Maniacs T-shirt to all sporting events,” said Aly Hite, the Maniacs Housing Spirit Ambassador, who is working on getting more students to sign up.

It only cost $5 a season to join the Maniacs and the T-shirt is included in the price. Also included is food, drinks, early entry to every home game and a car is raffled off at the end of the season only to those who are members. Those are just a few of the membership benefits.

This year they will host their 2nd annual camp out outside the Walter Pyramid. The event will begin November 13th and will continue until the basketball game is over the next day. This is also the Homecoming game. Throughout the night they will have music, and games for entertainment. There will be various organizations and sponsors attending as well.   Food and drinks are provided and you are encouraged to bring sleeping bags and tents.

“Everyone comes together and you get a chance to meet people that you wouldn’t normally meet because our campus is so big, we also get a chance to help the sports team members build confidence by being there,” said Hite. Who encourages everyone to join!

You can find more information on their website: http://www.monsonmaniacs.com/